Comparing @Observable and ObservableObject in SwiftUI can be quite insightful, as both are fundamental in managing data flow within your app.​​​​​​​
1. Purpose:
- @Observable:
It's like putting a tag on a piece of information, saying, "Hey, if this changes, let me know."
- ObservableObject: It's like setting up a system to watch over a bunch of information and notify others when something changes.
2. Scope:
- @Observable:  
It's mainly for keeping an eye on things within one place, like a single screen or part of an app.
- ObservableObject: It's more for keeping track of stuff across different parts of an app, so everyone stays up-to-date.
3. Implementation:
- @Observable:
You just stick it right on the thing you want to watch, like a number or some text.
- ObservableObject:  You need to create a special area to watch over things by making a class and marking the important stuff with a special tag.
4. Dependency:
- @Observable:  
You don't need much setup. It's simple and easy.
- ObservableObject:  You have to create a separate area to watch stuff, which might take a bit more effort.
5. Usage:
- @Observable:
Use it when you need to keep an eye on things in one place, like a single screen.
- ObservableObject:  Use it when you need to watch over things in lots of places, like different screens or parts of an app.
6. Performance:
- @Observable:
It's good for keeping track of changes in one spot without slowing things down too much.
- ObservableObject:  It's better for handling many changes across different app parts while still keeping things running smoothly.
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